Proprioceptive Writing

One year ago,esteemed colleague and friend, art therapist Julie McIntyre, introduced me to the book Writing the Mind Alive, written by Linda Trichter Metcalf and Tobin Simon. In the book, the technique called Proprioceptive Writing is described. Dr Christiane Northrup, author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, wrote the foreword for the book. She tells us her life was transformed by doing the proprioceptive writing practice daily for many years. She says in that foreword, "The essence of health is trusting yourself, your thoughts, and your feelings. Self-trust is the ability to know the truth about what you think and feel in your very bones-- and then to use this information to guide your life." She asserts that learning and practising the proprioceptive writing technique helped her reconnect with her deepest self, and gain self-trust. This resulted in being able to write her best selling book.

I have done the proprioceptive writing practice often during this past year, enough to experience its benefits. Soon I hope to offer a workshop designed to share with others this remarkable, beneficial practice.

Sue GleesonComment
Bigger Game Alumni Event

Meni and I have finalized the dates for our Bigger Game Alumni event! We will meet in the studio on April 30,2016 from 1-4 pm. Meni and I have facilitated 10 Bigger Game weekends in Peterborough and London, Ontario between June 2010 and November 2015. Over 100 people have participated with us in these weekends. It is time to celebrate and time to call you back to the studio to remember and recommit to your compelling purpose, to be guided through the Bigger Game Advisor exercise, to reconnect with old friends and meet new Bigger Game allies. If you have participated with Meni and me, you will receive an invitation by email shortly. If you would love to experience a Bigger Game weekend, please join Meni and me in the studio November 5-6. 2016!

Sue GleesonComment
Happy New Year!

Oh boy, again it has been a very long time since i have written a post. A lot has happened! We did have a book launch in the studio on Dec 2 for I Didn't Really Want to Be There : Why We Pretend, Remain Silent and Stay So Long. It was a beautiful evening of reconnection, love and laughter. We also celebrated my editor Joan's 60th birthday!

I am looking forward to a year of contentment and increased inner peace. I pray the same for you. In our often turbulent world, contentment and inner peace can be hard to come by. But I am praying we will find it and experience it anyway.

Much love to all as we begin our year together, with hope and anticipation.

Sue GleesonComment
Another step on the journey!

Again it has been long a time since I have posted an entry on this blog page. I have been making progress on the book in fits and starts. Interestingly, I have found myself writing the last chapters first, so I have written, and Joan has edited Eldership is the Reward, Mercy is the Key, and The Fallout. Courage to Change and Handling Freedom are in process.

Today I realized I wanted to write an Interlude, a little chapter which comes in between the Why we stay stuck and How we find the courage to make needed changes sections. This chapter examines assumptions we make, which keep us in less than powerful perspectives. I think my favourite self help book is The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz. Ruiz makes conscious for us that we do make assumptions all the time, and these assumptions limit our options big time.

Anyway, wanted to let you all know that I am still writing! It is hard to fit it in amidst life's responsibilities, which are many and often enjoyable. However, I would love more often to have those hours of sitting down and engaging deeply with my manuscript, the pursuit which is for me, the most life-giving, soul nourishing one.

May you all have time to do what you are and what you love often this summer.

Love, Sue

Sue GleesonComment
Update on the Journey

Wow, i haven't looked at my website for months! It has been a long, cold winter and I am just emerging from it. Last week, I had the gift of both the time and the energy to look through all the files I have written since November 2013 for my new book, and organize them into file folders for each chapter. I can share the chapter headings with you now!


Why we get stuck

How we get the courage to move ahead

Moving ahead

The Fall Out

Mercy is the Key

Eldership is the Reward

Sounds interesting, eh? I am looking forward now to taking the raw writing for each chapter and refining it. I spoke with my editor and put her on notice that some serious editing work will be coming her way soon.


Sue GleesonComment
First post!

 It has been a pretty exciting day. The talented Sheri Smith, graphic designer for all of my books, has helped me to create a fresh new website. We have had a wonderful weekend together in Rocky Mountain National Park, catching up, creating, hiking, eating and sleeping and basically enjoying time in this lovely part of the world. 

Now it is time to begin my first blog.Very exciting!

I am also ready to begin writing my next book. This will be the third book in a trilogy about healing soul misery. My first book, Healing Soul Misery: Finding the Pathway Home was about healing personal soul misery. The second one, If I Love You, Why Is It So Hard To Live With You, is about healing soul misery in an intimate relationship. The final book in this series will be called I Didn't Really Want to Be There : Why We Pretend, Remain Silent and Stay So Long. This book will address soul misery occurring in a larger system- like a work place or a community to which we belong. These are situations where we would prefer to be accepted, but it is increasingly difficult to pretend that we are doing well.

I have gathered a lot of material for this book and feel ready to begin to put it in order. I have realized that just as there are personal values and career values, and relationship values, so there are also system values. I have created a list of these system values and am now trying them out with people to see if I have captured all the ones which matter to people.

Pretty soon I will have to let the book take me over. Writing a book is like that. There is the first stage of information gathering, which is kind of fun and easy. Then there is the stage of starting to make a table of contents, which is made by categorizing the information I have gathered. At some point the book begins to write itself in my head and starts to want to be a top priority. I believe this time is coming and that after the next Bigger Game workshop weekend is over, it will be time to hibernate for the winter and let the book have its way with me!

Sue GleesonComment