A December 13th annual tradition is born!
Hello to everyone! I hope your preparations for Christmas are going well. In the past few years, I have been following Hannah Braime’s Advent calendar of journaling prompts. I find this to be really satisfying and fulfilling. December 1-12, she offers journaling prompts that help us to evaluate the year that has just passed. On December 13 she invites us to write a haiku that represents the last 12 months for us. Again this year, I found that one arose very easily for me. This year, I want to share it with you:
A precious friend died.
I wrestled an old gremlin.
My new book was born!
I was surprised at how a whole year could be summarized in 3 lines- one of 5 syllables, the second of 7 syllables, and the third of 5 syllables. If you feel so inclined, I invite you to enter into the same process with me and see what arises for you!